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Get Married Already! 
You're single. You're Catholic. You want to get married. 
This course will help you do just that. 
In order to find a spouse, you have to be a good purposeful dater. But knowing how to date well is not a skill we are born with—instead, it’s a skill we have to learn. Here at the CatholicMatch Institute, we’ve poured years of research into what it takes to date to find a spouse, and have compiled all of that knowledge into this course.

By the time you finish the last lesson, you’ll know what you need in a spouse, and you’ll know how to find it in a potential date. You’ll be able to sift through potential dates quickly and efficiently, and you’ll discover how to tell if your current date is the one.

If you are willing to learn, and ready to work to Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Enroll Now to Date Better and Find your Spouse! 

More About The Course
How the Course Works

Watch each section of videos at your own pace. 

Complete the action items at the end of each lesson to really start improving your dating experience.

As you move through this course, your outlook on dating will start to improve—and you'll start attracting the kind of singles you want to meet and marry!

What You Will Learn
  • Quick tips to enhance your dating life
  •  What red flags to look for and how to spot them 
  •  How to deal with rejection when a relationship ends 
  •  How to tell if someone is compatible with you long-term 
  •  What settling looks like and how to avoid it 
  •  How to set realistic expectations for relationships 
  •  How to have a successful first date 

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